Friday, November 19, 2004


Today, like any other day.

I realized how little each of us contribute, out of how much we all can do together. Even if what you are doing seems like a useless drop of water in a vast ocean of tears, keep it up. Eventually the tears will be washed away. This blog sees little action.. please post and make it happy and lively! Show coming on Saturday, more news at Nero's website. Also, check out my Rant on my homepage - it gets more attention than this little window does.

Friday, November 12, 2004


Nero, StyrofoamTuna, Fun

These are things that go together well.

How about that election? It looks like the evidence of fraud is growing daily, and I encourage you to learn more about the most pressing danger to our democracy. Hope you are all well, and don't forget to visit!

Saturday, November 06, 2004



Visit StyrofoamTuna, or comment here...


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